Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Life Update - SO MANY CHANGES!

I haven't written in a long time... over a year actually. So I thought that I would give this blog a make over and update it with some current events. I have two blogs I started, but for the life of me can't figure out how to combine the two, or even to get into the one I actually want to keep. So, instead I'm using this one.

Over the last year, I have had SO MANY changes. After my last blog post in March 2013, I met the most amazing man ever! He came as a package deal and now I have Mr. K and Little Miss K in my life pretty much 24/7. In that time, we moved three times each, from my one bedroom apartment to a town home (he moved from his previous place too), and then in May we took a leap of faith and joined the homeownership ranks. Right after we got in contract on the condo in March, we found out that we would be expanding our family. That's right... I am pregnant with my first biological child. We are all beyond thrilled. We actually just told Little Miss K this past weekend. She has collectively decided that she wants a little sister, but will still love a little brother. We are in agreement, we are hoping for a girl too, but really we will just be happy with a healthy baby! We have decide to leave it up for debate until the day the littlest K comes along. He or she is due on December 2, 2014. We will know then if we will be buying more pink clothes or more blue!


Monday, January 28, 2013

Weight Watchers, back again!

Three weeks ago was January 13.  It was also the day I decided (again and hopefully finally) that I cannot be fat anymore. I am officially in the 6 month countdown to my 30th birthday.  I have spent ALL of my 20s being overweight, in fact, I have spent most my adolescences overweight too.  I am now embarking on my 30s and I want to change things. My dad died when he was 51 and my mom has been ill for many years. Had they lead healthier lives, maybe they would be healthier (and he would be alive). I need to stop the trend before I have children and teach them the same bad habits that were taught to me. I have waited to start talking about my journey because I usually fail within the first week and then I feel shame.  But since I have told minimum people in my immediate life about what I am doing, I decided it was time to start talking to anyone who wanted to listen and hopefully build even more support. 3 weeks ago yesterday I started this journey and I am down 10lbs already and one inch around my waist.  That may not seem like a lot to some, but I am already starting to feel better. They say it takes 21 days to start a habit... I am watching my eating and most importantly I have been working out EVERYDAY! Even if it is just climbing the 13 flights of stairs at work, I am doing SOMETHING!!! This is most important to me because I have never had a love affair with working out.  I feel like this time is different... though I have said that before.  But this time I am working on both diet and fitness. I have never done both at the same time. Plus, my best friend is doing it with me. We are keeping each other accountable.   She is doing it different  than I am, but none-the-less we are in it together.  She and her husband are doing Advocare and I am doing Weight Watchers. It's tried and true, for me, so I am sticking with it. 

I am not committing to posting daily, but I will try and keep everyone up to date on my progress and trial and achievements.

I am not going for a quick fix. I didn't get fat overnight and I know I won't change my mind set overnight. But I am already 15 days in of my 21 day challenge to myself... and I feel good about this.

Monday, July 30, 2012


I love Netflix for various reasons, but mostly for all the television shows that have gone to tv heaven. My current favorites: My Boys and State of Georgia. Both good shows that didn't get the lovin' they deserved!

I also watch Charmed (all time favorite tv show) and I was able to catch up on Drop Dead Diva, Glee, Army Wives, and The Secret Life of an American Teenager. Thank goodness for my iPad app & iPhone app because I am able to be a couch potato without a couch! I listen at work sometimes in my iPhone instead of music and I used my iPad to watch when traveling! I love technology!

Do you have recommendation? What's your favorite device?

Also check out abc family's app and abc's app!!! I catch up on current abc shows that way! Yay for General Hospital!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thursday thoughts!

So today I got up and went to boot camp and drank my ShakeO on the way there. We did some crazy stuff today: leap frog running. Football drills & planks. Then we played kick ball!!! It was a blast! I feel fantastic and I am upset I allowed myself to get down the past two days.... Back on the horse now! It is amazing how working out is such a natural high. I love this feeling!

Tomorrow is my 29th birthday. I am headed to Maryland for my nephew's wedding Sunday and I am g the most of my trip by going out with my girl friends tomorrow night. I will be celebrating my birthday along with my cousin's, Trish's, life. She passed away 4 years ago today at the age of 32. She was the best friend anyone could ask for. It isn't easy, but I want to make sure I honor her the right way.

There are many reasons to stay in shape, or get in shape. But living a long, healthy, happy life is at the top of my list! I know way too many people who have dies young and I don't want to join them.

What is your inspiration? What do you like to do for your birthday? Tell me what keeps you going on down days!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Down days...

Have you ever had days where your motivation is lacking? That has been me. I think depression is starting to take a hold on me, so I am trying to avoid that with all cost. I missed boot camp this morning because I had an awful head ache, tomorrow is no excuse. I will be there bright and early at 5:30 am.

I am in a small slump but I know I can make it out of this again. I am still logging my food and keeping within my calories. I have to learn to accept that some days aren't going to be great but that doesn't mean I have sabotaged all my progress... It means I had a bad day and tomorrow is a new day! Even the next minute is a better moment!

So Shakeology for dinner.... Since I had a bigger lunch! Lol

Take care,


Monday, July 9, 2012

Boot Camp Week 3 & Shakeology Day 2.5

Boot camp was good today. We worked our legs a lot. I have to figure out something for my shins though because I know I am not pushing myself as hard as normal because of the pain in my legs. When I run on grass or track I am fine, but put me on blacktop and I am a mess. I drank ShakeO today too. It was a perfect start to my early day. I really love it with milk. After my mishap with the water version I didn't drink all of it which is why I am calling it 2.5 today. I prefer mine with peanut butter but there are tons of variations! Find what works best for you and drink the heck out of it!!!!

I also noticed today that a pair of pants I bought Father's day weekend no longer fit!!!! They are seriously falling off me!! This is exciting! The scale hasn't moved much but my clothes are moving off me! Lol Remember the scale is kind of a fair-weather friend , sometimes he is there for you sometimes not. The best measurement for success is how you feel. Do your clothes fit better? Do you have more energy? Are you sleeping better? These are all great things to log and make note of during your journey. That scale is a nice tool, but only for so long.

Happy Monday everyone and may your week start off as good as mine! It doesn't hurt that it is my birthday week!!!!! yay!!!!!

Xoxo, Manda

Sunday, July 8, 2012


So, yesterday I tried Shakeology with water, ice & peanut butter. I didn't like it at all with just water, I for sure prefer milk with it. Today I bought some skim milk and it was much much better!!!! I added peanut butter and it made the calories about 430, enough for an entire meal replacement. I am looking forward to having my Shakeology this week! I really love the taste, with milk. And since I am not much of a milk drinker to begin with, this will be good to finally get my calcium in.

I have been reading about the Shakeology Cleanse, I kind of want to try it too. I am skeptical about the green tea part. I am not sure of anyone has tried it, but if you have let me know!