Monday, January 28, 2013

Weight Watchers, back again!

Three weeks ago was January 13.  It was also the day I decided (again and hopefully finally) that I cannot be fat anymore. I am officially in the 6 month countdown to my 30th birthday.  I have spent ALL of my 20s being overweight, in fact, I have spent most my adolescences overweight too.  I am now embarking on my 30s and I want to change things. My dad died when he was 51 and my mom has been ill for many years. Had they lead healthier lives, maybe they would be healthier (and he would be alive). I need to stop the trend before I have children and teach them the same bad habits that were taught to me. I have waited to start talking about my journey because I usually fail within the first week and then I feel shame.  But since I have told minimum people in my immediate life about what I am doing, I decided it was time to start talking to anyone who wanted to listen and hopefully build even more support. 3 weeks ago yesterday I started this journey and I am down 10lbs already and one inch around my waist.  That may not seem like a lot to some, but I am already starting to feel better. They say it takes 21 days to start a habit... I am watching my eating and most importantly I have been working out EVERYDAY! Even if it is just climbing the 13 flights of stairs at work, I am doing SOMETHING!!! This is most important to me because I have never had a love affair with working out.  I feel like this time is different... though I have said that before.  But this time I am working on both diet and fitness. I have never done both at the same time. Plus, my best friend is doing it with me. We are keeping each other accountable.   She is doing it different  than I am, but none-the-less we are in it together.  She and her husband are doing Advocare and I am doing Weight Watchers. It's tried and true, for me, so I am sticking with it. 

I am not committing to posting daily, but I will try and keep everyone up to date on my progress and trial and achievements.

I am not going for a quick fix. I didn't get fat overnight and I know I won't change my mind set overnight. But I am already 15 days in of my 21 day challenge to myself... and I feel good about this.